26 years and a day

​Yesterday was a good day. 

Yesterday was my birthday. I usually write a post ahead of the day, but i ran out of words.

I’d been feasting on a veritable bucket of chicken my brother got for me two days ahead of my birthday because he wouldn’t be around that day. It was down to two. One now.

Friends called in. 

Ayo was first, as usual. Twelve on the dot, Ayo rings in every year. It’s an awesome thing for people to call and remember you on your special day. A few don’t remember but that’s fine too… If they knew they would have.

But, they are kept in the “so you forgot to call me” pile for November 12. I love those the best. The “omg, yesterday was your birthday? I’m so sorry. I swear, it totally slipped my mind” …. I enjoy how anxious they are to put my mind at rest… The grovelling… If I’m bored, i will even act up and pretend to be miffed. 😎

I went to the cinema with Seun, we originally wanted to watch Dr. Miracle but got in late and settled for Trolls. It was a great laugh, a little teary. I will never be tired of animations. Afterward we had lunch topped with good talks and laughs. Another friend, Moses, came by too. I slid under the table to hide from pictures 😝 #lifeOfAcelebrity.

Dammy got me a beautiful bracelet i had lusted over on twitter. She still says she doesn’t love me but i know she is denial…you can’t fight this love, boooo!! 😘

My ex called. Twice. In the morning and later at night. I was even surprised he remembered at all but, i was chuffed. We talked for about two hours; friendship, money, work, savings… That was nice.

All in all, it was a beautiful day. 😊

Go shawty! Izz your buffday!

This is the first time I’ve not been depressed before my birthday since i turned twenty. I guess I’ve become a lot more grateful for life and living as a whole.
I have a good God that loves me, protects me and has so much of goodies laid out.
I have an awesome bestie who loves sleep like crazy but stayed up till 12 just to be the first to call.
I have awesome friends (that want me to use all my money to throw a party for them on MY OWN birthday… They actually were telling me what they wanted to eat and where I will be taking them…. Like!!).
I have supportive parents (who I clash with once in a while… A lot more than once if I’m really honest, but i love them and they love me. Sometimes.)
I have an adopted dog, Libby, that a friend helps me take care of, (even though sometimes I think, he thinks he actually owns the dog…. Chris Brown was right. Not about beating people up oh. About the hoes not been loyal. Though if my daily life involved me digging sand, I’ll have plenty to be disloyal about too.
I have a phone (i use this term loosely) that’s been ringing ‘off da hook’ since 12.00am. I can’t imagine how terrible I’d feel if my nearest and dearest forgot my day. I’d probably break into my friend’s house, take Libby and run away. LOL. Who am I kidding? I have too many clothes to runaway… And is it really running away when the ‘kid’ is twenty-four?

I could go on, but I won’t because these curls won’t pull themselves down AND I DONNO WHAT TO WEAR!!! -____-



└(ᴖ_ᴖ└) iT’s mY BiRthDayY i’LL gEt hiGh iF i WaNnA (┘ᴖ_ᴖ)┘

so… I’m 22 years young Today!!! Yay!!


As I am camped somewhere in Ebonyin state, “serving” my Motherland for reasons I don’t know… I had my minions post this for me while I am away getting blacker, thinner and uglier. 

… I have answered 22 absolutely random things on meee.. i know y’all are curious about me and all. YES YOU ARE! STOP PRETENDING NOT TO BE!!

I think i’ll do a random wacky Wednesday when i’ll answer the must stupid questions I’ve come across during the week… I’m wise that way and what better way to help some of the must stupid people in the world realise that hey! You’re not alone. I care! I can answer your questions!!

So, here goes. Off the hat and totally me. It’s 22 questions!!!


1. How would you describe yourself in four words?


2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you?


3. What makes you angry?

People trying to get all in my space!!!! I can KILL YOU!!!

4. What kind of people do you dislike?

People that don’t have their own opinions and people who are full of themselves. only my fart will pay attention to such. 

5. Who do you like best, you mom or dad?

err… don’t really know yet… they’re still at the “let’s annoy her” stage.

6. Do you like jerry or Tom?

Tom. Jerry is an asshole and Fred Quimby is an idiot cos he’s always getting jerry to pick on tom. (I’m under dog that way).

7. What video games do you play?

The Sims. They make you feel like a god! As in if you don’t allow them to go to the toilet they pee on themselves! or GTA, Need for speed. Haven’t played any in a while though

8. What will your first thought be when you had learnt that you won a lottery?

How much exactly are we talking about?

9. How would you react if you are transformed into a fish?

Wow, so this is what its like to never ever drown. SWEET.

10. If you are a god what would you do to the world?

Me? Oh nothing. I’ll create another world then I’ll move every good person there. And leave all the assholes to kill themselves.

11. Which super power do you like to have and why?

Super power? Err…  the fart ninja… Silent but deadly. 🙂

12. If I take a look inside your refrigerator what would I find?

Chicken, meat, salad, fruit drinks, milk, bread, marmalade, water.

13. What is it about me that makes you so drawn to me?

I am not drawn to you. You (whoever thought up these questions) are seriously not well, and the men in the white coats are after you and i don’t mean Panda bear costumes.

14. Come in. Sit down. Would u like some pepsi?

No. Pepsi is used to clean engines and toilets. Do i look like a toilet? Didn’t think so.

15. If u were a tree, what would u be?

I don’t wanna be a tree. Trees are boring.

16. Mention some incidents when u laughed your self out?

I saw a friend… and she kicked me. so I kicked her back. Tried to… only I slipped and fell on my ass!! I laughed and laughed and forgot to stand up!!

17. Why am I asking you these questions?

Because you’re stupid? Remember? Number 13.

18. Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?

Same reason 1 isn’t pronounce zeroncy one.

19. What r u wearing?

… and a pervert as well. truthfully, I’m in a  bikini top and boxers.

20. Who would win a battle between a ninja and a pirate?”

Ninja duh? Hasn’t this debate ended since 1994. A pirates got a wooden leg. At best a hook too. A ninja has all those awesome sounds and a bandana and all those moves Jet li pretends to do… seriously. What kind of a question is this. It’s like asking who’s faster between a turtle and a cheetah.

21. If u try 2 fail, and succeed, which have u done?

You have failed the worst kind of failure ever and deserve to be pelted with not only tomatoes, but bricks and houses.


…and the 22nd question is to you guys!! Ask me any question and I’ll answer it… you only get one turn though!!